Online Business Opportunities -- Yearend 2009

What can I say? Online Business Opportunities 2009? I have not made good of my quest for an Internet Business this year. I have tried and experimented with my own ebook, which I priced at a low price--and I wasn't able to sell even one. OMG! =)

I had one sale though from clickbank for a writing guide ebook. Only $6 commission--and has not been repeated since. OMG! again! =)

I'm frustrated, but not that much: I am doing well with my freelance writing gigs.

But with online business opportunities, I am having second thoughts whether I could really succeed here. But I am not quitting just yet. This year, I have spent lots of money for 'make money online' courses, and I am disappointed. tsk tsk tsk!

My advice: Think twice before buying any of such online courses. There is just no guarantee for success. Look at the earnings disclaimer on their sales pages. There are just too many factors at play that can affect your online success.

You can also just read for free on information on websites around. Then experiment with any learning you have gained. The Internet can provide good information if you know where to look. Also, even some Internet Gurus encourage studying offline systems, techniques and strategies to apply in your online business. For example, they have recommended reading "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins, etc.

Online Business Opportunities 2010 -- I am optimistic still, OMG! hehe yeah, really, even with my dismal failure. But I am sure I will not be spending that much on Internet Marketing materials. And there are just a few Internet Gurus I trust, now...

Make Money Selling Digital Photos

There are many ways to make money online. I have been earning money online thru part time freelance writing.

Then, there is another way: photo wealth system, check it out.

Learn how to make money from your passion--photography. Sell digital photos now...

How To Promote Any Affiliate Program In 5 Easy Steps

How to Promote Any Affiliate Program In 5 Easy Steps

By Jimmy D. Brown of "Affiliatenaire"


Using ezine articles is a great way to promote your favor
affiliate program. What I'd like to do in this article is
provide you with a simple system for effectively writing
an ezine article that strategically promotes your offer.

There are five steps...


This one is kind of a no-brainer. It all begins with deciding
what you want to promote. What offer would you like to
send traffic to.

HINT: You can promote your affiliate link directly, but
what works better is to promote a list at YOUR site which
you then use to promote your affiliate link over and over
again after the visitor becomes a subscribers.


I love to use what I have coined as the "useful, but
incomplete" approach when using freebies of any kind.
(Ezine articles, free eBooks, reports, eCourses, etc.)

What I mean by that is simply this: You provide your reader
with "useful" information (something they find of value and
are able to actually apply) but make certain that it is
"incomplete" in that they can better use the information
by making a purchase.

That's "useful, but incomplete." And it works like a charm.

The idea is to use your content to build up to your desired
response. You provide the reader with content, and then
you make an offer that allows them to fully utilize the
content, gain extra insight from the content or maximize
the content in some additional way.

Let me give you an example -

If I wanted to promote an autoresponder service in an
ezine article, how could I do it? I'd write an article
that explains how to benefit from using autoresponders.
My article would exlain different uses of autoresponders
and how the reader could profit from implementing the

** I.E. 7 Ways To Create Revenue Streams With Autoresponders

Naturally, they will need an autoresponder service in order to
use the information, right? And I just happen to know of a
great service they can use. More on that later.

OK, so that's an example of how to promote a SERVICE offer
with your ezine article. What about a software product or an

Want some examples?

Good, because I've got two...

TO PROMOTE A SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Let's suppose you want to promote
a software program that creates "ecovers". How can you do it?

-- Write an article outlining how important presentation of your
offer is, and how creating a cover graphic can increase response
rates by up to 1300%

-- Write a step-by-step tutorial article for "do-it-yourselfers",
explaining how to design your own graphics from scratch. Then
promote the software as a super-simplified way of doing it.

TO PROMOTE AN EBOOK. Let's suppose you want to promote an ebook
that teaches advanced list-building strategies. How can you do it?

-- Write an article that covers the "basics" of building lists,
and then promote the eBook as the "advanced" tactics.

-- Write an article on how to profit from a list, and then promote
the eBook as the "how to build the list."

See how easy this is?

That's how it works. Determine what your "useful, but incomplete"
approach will be, and then...


Let's use my example again. I decided that I would describe various
uses of autoresponders and how the reader can actually profit from
them. What kind of tips list or tutorial could I create?

* How to Generate More Subscribers, Sales and Profits With
Automated Follow-Up Messages"

* 7 Powerful And Profitable Ways To Use Autoresponders To Skyrocket
Your Sales and Subscribers!

* Want to Increase Your Online Profits And Leads? Here are 7 Ways
to Do It...

I actually went with the middle title. I wrote my list of the 7
ideas that I wanted to share. And I had the makings of a perfect
article to promote an offer.

That's all you need to do. Determine your end result. Decide how
to get there with your "useful, but incomplete" approach. And then
develop a list, or even a step-by-step tutorial for your article
that leads the reader along.

With each new "idea" or "way" or "tip" or "step" or "strategy"
that you share, you can further direct the reader towards
realizing their need of your upcoming offer, and lay the
foundation for them to accept the offer.


Here's more of the easy part. Just "fill-in-the-blanks" to complete
your article. Write 1-2 short paragraphs for each of your points.
Make them good. Provide quality content. The offer you will soon
make will see poor results if your information isn't useful.

Remember, you are trying to presell the reader on the idea that
they are going to need your offer. If you don't provide them with
quality information that they WANT to begin using immediately,
then why will they want to buy what you are promoting?

Light a fire in them. Motivate them. Challenge them. Give them
such nuggets of gold that they want to keep mining until they
hit the mother lode!


There are five things that you should always do to finish up
your ezine article. Don't skip any of them. They are all

* POLISH. Re-read your article. Does it provide information
that really is "useful" to the reader? And yet leaves them
wanting even more? That's what you want. Polish it. Put
on the wax and make it shine. It has a very specific
purpose -- make certain it has the means to achieve it.

* PROMOTE. Use your resource box to promote your offer. This
is why we've written the article, right? Remember step one?
It's time to put it into play. Give the reader what they
(hopefully) are wanting...a way to maximize the information
you gave them.

* PROOF. Don't do this yourself. Have a trusted friend, relative
or co-worker check your article for grammatical and
typographical errors. The last thing you want to do is present
a poor image after sharing some high quality information.

* PUBLISH. Zip your new article out to your favorite list of
publishers. Submit it to the announcement lists and the ezine
directories. Don't forget to publish it yourself in your own

* PROFIT. If you've covered all the bases that I've mentioned,
then profits are almost certain to start coming in when your
ezine article is published. You deserve it. Be proud of your

And then start it all over again!

That's how you promote your favorite affiliate program in 5 easy
using ezine articles.

Obviously, there are many other ways to promote your affiliate
program, as well as a considerable more "details" in the strategy
we've looked at today. If you'd like 52 great ways to promote
your affiliate link AND complete step-by-step details for each
of them, be sure to read the important details below...


Jimmy D. Brown is the author of "Affiliatenaire", teaching
you how to create big-time affiliate commission checks in
only 1-3 hours each week. Discover how you can get cash in
the bank without a website, experience or even an idea!
Visit the site that can help you earn money thru affiliate marketing now.


My Filthy Money Opportunity -- Yours too!

I just had to pass this along to you. It's an amazing
collection of software with master resale rights, and
an affiliate program. The package is HUGE, and it's
under $5.

I own and use some of this software myself, and there
is some quality stuff in there.

This is WELL worth taking a look.

It's at:

They are set up on the Rapid Action Profits script, so
you can also become an affiliate and just by passing this
along you are sure to earn lots of easy, immediate

The site says the special is only good for the next 2
hours though. I don't know if that is true or now, so
you'd better hurry.

That link again -

All is well..
The Web Turtle

Ewen Chia's Home Internet Success System

I was able to purchase this Powerful Home Business System from Ewen Chia, and I feel this is a very good system to really succeed online.

What if you can have this powerful money-making system in your hands? Do you believe it can radically change your life now?

If you click in the link here, for Ewen Chia's product, I will earn an affiliate commission. So if you click the link here, and buy Ewen's product, I will be glad you did. And because of you buying it, I will give you an offer you can't resist--I will give you Yanik's "Million Dollar Emails" Ebook. Just give me an email at and I will give you that Ebook. Search this specific Yanik Silver's ebook, and you'll see how valuable this is...

Hurry, I may not be offering this package anytime soon.. =) Use the link here (lower part of this article) to Ewen's product (if you don't use the link here, I won't get the commission, so I won't be able to provide you the bonus ebook of Yanik's Million Dollar Emails.

Do you want to check it now? This is the link here: Click to Access The Powerful Money-Making System of the Internet Gurus!

Financial freedom is no longer a dream. Do you want to quickly turn your life around? And get the power that financial freedom brings? Your life will never be the same again. Do you like to live this life now?

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All is well. by "The Web Turtle"

P.S. You need to email me at after your purchase of Ewen's product so that I can give you the bonus: Yanik Silver's Million Dollar Emails. Again, please understand that I can only give you this bonus if you click through my affiliate link in this article prior to your actual purchase. Give me a day or two to provide you the Million Dollar Emails Ebook.

Entrepreneurship: Are You Ready?

Yes, who wouldn’t want to have their very own business? The 9 to 5 rat race is just too boring, especially if you know there is more for you out there. But if you also want the security of a job to go along with your business ventures, that would be perfectly fine. Just make sure that your job does not suffer due to your other ventures. Be fair to your employer and give them their money’s worth still. If you can’t focus anymore on your job, you should try to give your employers what are due them.

Entrepreneurship is an adventure, but not without some risk. It is a good way to try your business sense. So be sure that you are determined to really pursue your business once you started one, otherwise, you may just be wasting your money. Always have a plan, and your risks should be well-calculated.

A lot is to be learned if you want to pursue being an entrepreneur, yet it is a fulfilling endeavor. You may also want to go into affiliate marketing first, online businesses and networking to learn some basic stuff. Just be sure you are not entering into scam businesses.