Online Business Opportunities -- Yearend 2009

What can I say? Online Business Opportunities 2009? I have not made good of my quest for an Internet Business this year. I have tried and experimented with my own ebook, which I priced at a low price--and I wasn't able to sell even one. OMG! =)

I had one sale though from clickbank for a writing guide ebook. Only $6 commission--and has not been repeated since. OMG! again! =)

I'm frustrated, but not that much: I am doing well with my freelance writing gigs.

But with online business opportunities, I am having second thoughts whether I could really succeed here. But I am not quitting just yet. This year, I have spent lots of money for 'make money online' courses, and I am disappointed. tsk tsk tsk!

My advice: Think twice before buying any of such online courses. There is just no guarantee for success. Look at the earnings disclaimer on their sales pages. There are just too many factors at play that can affect your online success.

You can also just read for free on information on websites around. Then experiment with any learning you have gained. The Internet can provide good information if you know where to look. Also, even some Internet Gurus encourage studying offline systems, techniques and strategies to apply in your online business. For example, they have recommended reading "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins, etc.

Online Business Opportunities 2010 -- I am optimistic still, OMG! hehe yeah, really, even with my dismal failure. But I am sure I will not be spending that much on Internet Marketing materials. And there are just a few Internet Gurus I trust, now...

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