The Management Style Employees Prefer

What management style do most employees prefer?

I think though that there is no one best management style. I do believe that there should be different strokes for different folks.

This is why managers should also take the time to know their employees. Knowing the employees' backgrounds, personalities, and work ethics will prove to be very useful when dealing with them -- either when you praise their work, or when you give disciplinary actions.

Different people respond differently on praises or criticisms given to them. Some would prefer being praised silently, either thru an email or by one-on-one talk -- while others prefer that their achievements and praises be made known to the whole world, if that ever should be possible.

In the same way, others respond best when criticisms are done one-on-one, in a closed-door session. Others would feel fine being criticized openly.

Thus, to be able to do well in the area of management and motivation, these should be given due consideration.

The Importance Of Having Business Goals

To be able to know how well your business is doing, you must have goals in the first place.

How will you know if you achieved your goal for the period, if you have not established standards by which you can compare your performance against.

Business goals are the key to keeping you in the right track. These goals keep you focused on what important things need to be done in line with what you want achieved. With tight competition around, straying away from your main objective would prove to be detrimental to your business.

Always be determined to set business goals, and you will find yourself consistently doing only those things that will have a positive impact on your business objectives.

All About Marketing

When you’re in business, you are in the business of marketing. With any products or services you have, it does no good how many product lines you have or how excellent the quality may be – if not enough people know about your business, you will surely have a hard time realizing sales needed to make your business profitable.

Thus, it is wise to put enough focus on your marketing strategies especially during your start-up. And continue to be aggressive all throughout your operation. Keep in mind that competitors are only waiting for the opportunity to push you aside, and claim their share of the market.

The Value Of Your People

A company should always value the people working for them. Your staff are the key to your success, or to your failure. They represent you, & your company.

When those outside see your staff happy, effective in their work, and good persons - it will show the culture you have in your company, and the values your people share inside.

Take care of your people, train them, and then make them accountable of their work. Empower your people to carry out their jobs effectively.

Show your people that you care for them and their future. In turn, your people will do what they can to make your company meet the objectives set.

Customer is Always First

Our customers provide us with the money to continue operating our business. It is why we always provide the best customer service we can. We go out of our way to make things easy for them, to make things convenient for them when they transact business with us.

But did you ever encounter customers who always seem to have a concern or a problem? Not including those who do have valid concerns - but there are just people who seem to demand more out of you, your staff, your services or products - they seem never to be satisfied with your best.

What do we do on such situations? difficult, right? While we want them to stay a customer, dealing with such people seem to make you lose more, than earn.

For me, if I find that their requests are far out, and in fact demands too much - I would prefer ending the relationship. I consider it more of a loss to devote all of my resources pleasing one customer, and seem to never satisfied. I'd rather concentrate on pleasing the many who are perhaps my true customers.

Customers indeed should come first, but they never are always right. Right?

The Call of Social Responsibility

Being entrepreneurs require that we hold ourselves accountable to helping local communities in bettering their lives. I believe entrepreneurs should give back to society as a way of thanking them on subscribing to the products and services these businessmen provide.

As the bible says in substance, 'to whom much is given, much is expected..' - I believe that heeding the call of social responsibility is the way to go.

No matter how much you earn, it is best to share. I always believe that to the degree of your generous heart, much more will be given back to you by the One above.

It is sometimes difficult to give, especially if the business is not doing good. Then share only what your heart is capable of giving. No matter how little this may seem to you, this might be a lot for those on the receiving end.

The point is in appreciating the value of sharing. Businesses, in being helpful to the local community, will reap benefits from the goodwill produced.

Internet Business Opportunities

Many are looking for a chance to become rich. An attractive business opportunity is grabbed upon quickly in the hope that this will finally lead one to financial freedom. Oftentimes decisions are made hastily, investing on business opportunities that do not have the potential to yield high returns – or worst, being victimized by scams.

Over the web, Internet business opportunities abound. Just doing a search regarding the topic, would list out a lot of online businesses to choose from. These ranges from affiliate programs, turnkey websites, reseller hosting, online stores and many more. And reading each of these Internet business opportunities excites you so much, that you would easily be tempted to join in – and possibly cash in, on the almost instant cash these businesses often claim to be able to give out.

Promises – lots of it - are written on the sales pitches of these Internet business opportunities. These are so well written and well planned to charm the readers, that they are so effective in getting people from all walks of life to sign up, join in – and perhaps, even pay some amount to avail of the business opportunity they offer.

Many are indeed captivated by these Internet business opportunities. The claims are just so perfect, that missing on the chance may prove to be detrimental to our part – so we usually think. There are even online businesses of the type, that pressures you to make a decision right away – “valuable offer will last only until midnight, act now and start living the life of your dreams…” - and if you buy this sales closing tactic, they have succeeded in luring you in.

Legal and fair Internet business opportunities should not be like this. They should be able to give you some time to evaluate their business offering without time pressure, and without need for such cheap gimmickry. A smart individual can easily detect this, and will find this marketing approach insulting.

It is thus best that one should not give in to impulse - and should take the time to evaluate thoroughly any online business opportunity. Yes, the offers may be very tempting, with seemingly lots of bonus products included, high discounts and more – if you act right away. But why should you act hastily? Logic tells you otherwise.

The offering may indeed be very valuable, and that specific online business opportunity may indeed be authentic – but at this age and time – it is not that viable to risk investing on businesses, based on impulse manipulated by catchy and flowery words that can be found in almost all sales letters.

Always take time to find out more about the Internet business opportunities that present itself to you. Do some research, ask around and go to forums to check on how some have faired out with their business offering. You may just find a lot more information that can help you come up with a wise decision. Indeed, they say that risks come along with any type of business, but make sure that yours is a well-calculated one.

The Best Management Style

How would you like your boss to be? What traits do you want him to possess? What management style do you prefer him to have? What is yours? Which do you consider to be the best management style?

There are many management styles that one can use. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Whatever you choose or whatever management style you have, it will not always be fail-proof – and it will not always guarantee success for you. There is just no perfect management style that will always work, as many factors come into play.

The specific situation you are in, the people around you and the unique circumstances around will play a role if your management style will work effectively or not. Certain organizational cultures may fit to your style, but not all will. That is why some managers are so successful in one organization, but shifting to another company would lose his charm and effectiveness.

A manager must then be able to feel it out, before employing a specific management style. This may sound impossible to traditional managers who have been accustomed to getting their way at any cost – even if other ideas are much better than his. Such may have worked before, but this may not be the case in most organizations today.

Today’s generation calls for a manager that is flexible and can adapt well to a continually changing culture. The dynamics inside organizations today are moving so fast, that conventional managers who are not open to change will be at a loss.

Young, intelligent and talented individuals have steadily made their marks over the years, posing a threat to managers who are not responsive to the needs of the times. The young professionals of today, are just so willing to take on higher responsibilities entrusted to them. And they are surely competitive enough, to give the old timers in management a good fight.

The best management style then is one that can adapt well according to the specific case at hand. As they say, ‘different strokes for different folks’ – so why stick to one management style to handle different people in your department with varying personalities?

Each needs to be handled differently. A good manager should be able to know how to distinguish one personality from the other, and how to approach each appropriately. In giving praises for a job well done, some would want it to be done in public while others want it done as private as possible. The same holds true in giving criticisms, the personality of the individual concerned must be considered. The positive working relationships you build with your people will be key to your success.

The best management style is one that you come up with for a particular situation. You adjust according to what is required at hand. You innovate based on your experience and gut feel. You use all your senses and wisdom to use the best management style for that particular moment. Whatever this management style is called doesn’t matter, what is important is that - it works.

Finding A Need - And Filling It

A business will be successful if its products or services can provide a solution to a problem/need.

It has always been to my understanding, that businesses offering products which are basic needs of people have higher chances to succeed.

The challenge I think, is when the business is offering what one might not usually categorize as a basic need, but somewhat of a luxury, like in the amusement or entertainment business perhaps.

On the other hand, is to be happy and entertained not a basic human need?

Perhaps there is a chance for such amusement businesses to prosper...

On Entrepreneurship

Going into business is a risk. Companies with high capital usually have feasibility studies to check if there is a market for their products or services in a particular location.

Small and Micro businesses don't have the luxury though of such feasibility studies -- all they have are their own intuition - their hunch and feeling that such businesses would click.

Earning Money Online

Who wouldn't want to have their own their very own online business?

Many people do want to have the chance to run an online business, and make money out of it. Some would want to do it part time, others would love to do it full-time.

It is a fact that many have prospered with a business in the Internet, but it is also a fact that many have failed. Having an online business may sound simple, but it would take a lot of hardwork.

There are many online businesses to choose from - one needs to be careful where to invest his money though, as like in the brick-and-mortar businesses - scams are as prevalent.

Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

In the book of John L. Mason (An Enemy Called Average) - he quoted Harvey Ullman: "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether this happens at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young, but becomes consistently more valuable regardless of physical capacity."

Reading books is one way of learning. It saves us from committing the same mistakes that others may have already experienced. Though we are most likely to learn (and never forget) our own mistakes, we don't have to take all the risks - we can always learn from others.

As per Derek Bok: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.."